At Studio Sol you will find a variety of classes designed to offer different possibilities depending the type of practice you are looking for.

Classes are adapted for ALL LEVELS even if is the first time you try yoga. Most of the classes are in both English and Spanish.

Meet the Team

  • Madhu

    MEDITATION IN MOVEMENT is a practice that will help you to go beyond the pose; a deeper journey within to know yourself better. And witnessing the change within … moment to moment through mindfulness of your breath.


  • Lupe

    HATHA FLOW & PRANAYAMA Starting with pranayama, this class flows smoothly and consistently. The aim is to understand the geometry and alignment behind each posture, encouraging students to create space in their mind and bodies. The flow increases in speed and difficulty as the participants warm up.


  • Jelena

    PRANACORE is a dynamic, yet therapeutic practice that blends movement biomechanics and bioenergetics with yoga, to improve your movement and breath patterns off and on the mat, in any activity, work or adventure.


  • Omar

    UJJAYI VINYASA In this class, a dynamic sequence of postures is performed that synchronizes each movement with the flow of breath. Connect with your breath and let my interpretation of mantras resonate in your heart and mind at the beginning and end of the session. We awaken the sun within you that revitalizes your mental and energetic body.


  • Sol

    FULL CORE VINYASA This class is a transformative physical journey that focuses on core strength, improving overall physical well-being. We'll emphasize building strength, enhancing flexibility, and achieving balance through a diverse array of postures, including backbends, inversions, arm balances, hip openers, and folds. Join us to simultaneously challenge and nurture your body and mind in this powerful practice.


  • Sofie

    CANDELIGHT YIN YOGA Connect with yourself - listen to your body, your mind, your soul. In stillness we can hear the voice inside of us. With mindfulness and a Yin attitude - with patience, compassion and acceptance we can get to the deeper parts of ourselves - releasing stress and tensions -physical and mental. Take your time to just be.


  • Jorge

    TOTAL BODY BURN VINYASA These sequences invite us to create heat (internal fire) and through it burn emotions, thoughts and physical sensations. It helps us create physical resistance and enhance muscle strength when holding the asanas.


  • Marina

    MOBILITY FLOW this class will have you on the floor most of the time, using as many props as needed to create space in a physical body and powerful release in emotional body. We will target biggest joints in a body (including the spine ) and we will move in all ranges of motion, while creating fluidity and freedom in connective tissues.


  • Juli

    In the RESTORATIVE YOGA class we use assistive elements, such as straps, blocks, and bolsters to perform the postures. They are sustained over time, so that both the body and the mind find calm and relaxation. This class allows you to work on postures with awareness of body alignment and personal possibilities to improve health.


  • Jessica

    CORE & GLUTES BURN This class is a 45min workout flow designed for everyone that likes to sweat, feel the burn in abs, legs & glutes without having to go through intense cardio/jumping or using heavy weights. This class is what you need to strengthen the mind and the body.


  • Martha

    The intention of the FULL BODY POWER FLOW practice is to work with all of our mind, body and spirit. The flow starts with a quite meditation and slowly we start increasing the movement throught all the body streaching the main limbs, while we start letting the inner fire increase to go deeper.


  • Pauli Rizzo

    PURNA VINYASA Purna in Sanskrit means complete, total or full. It is a method that adapts to all people and not the other way around. Breathing, mental and physical techniques encourage presence and self-observation of the self in practice by freeing the mind, body and spirit from blockages and structures. Creative vinyasas and salutations are used in constant fluidity and presence with the breath and the body here and now.


  • Beantpal

    KUNDALINI RISING through energizing breath-work, kriyas and meditations focused on transformation and healing, every week, we’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization. Then, the sound current of the gong, the Adi Naad or Primal Sound, will help you relax, recharge and renew. Sat Nam.


  • Joyce

    ICE BATH & SOUND JOURNEY experience the multiple benefits that exposure to the cold has for you. We begin with a small session where we will practice different breathing protocols and prepare the mind and body to cope with immersion in the cold.
